Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Update #4

So finally there's an update! Here's what's going on with "Blue Mist"! Let's dive in! For starters the rules and the game is more or less getting a bit of an addition. For starters let's talk about the game play it's self. Previously in other iterations of the game you could only do 1 thing per turn. This go around I've added a Character Action & a Draw Action. The reason for doing this is simple but in short it'll allow for faster game play and make people feel as if their turn counted even if they couldn't accomplish a previous goal. So if you suffer from a Status Effect and fail to roll and cure it, you can still draw a card and do something else. So that's one major change. The second change is an obvious one and that's of course COSMETICS! Previously the 1st printing of the cards were muddled with language and critical information was barely visible:
 You have an entire paragraph of text you have to read before you can even understand the card to activate it and then you gotta determine whether or not it's a support or an enhancement or whether or not it fits your alignment. Now everything is right out in the open:
BOOM! This card tells you what it does, who it's applied to, how long it stays which alignment it works for and what's classified as.Not to mention the background color is much more pronounced and visible giving the card a cooler esthetic than it's previous version. That's what I've been up to as of late on the Blue Mist front.