Sunday, December 30, 2018

Update #5

Major Update, kids and kiddies! Here we go! So aside from overhauling the appearance and the language of the cards I've decided to bite the bullet and go ahead and do Kickstarter (against my better judgment) but if I'm gonna get this project off the ground I'm gonna need the most capital I can generate. So I'm hoping to start the campaign in March. The good thing is the majority of the project is done and when I get an artist I have enough reference artwork finished so that they're not working blind. The major issue is finding an artist who fits the style of the game. I don't want to go too serious but I don't want it to be too cartoony as well. Personally, I'm looking for someone who can deliver a DragonBall Z style, just cartoony enough to be light-hearted but just realistic enough to take it seriously. I have an artist in mind but whether or not they're down to do it is beyond me. I have a daunting task ahead of me.

All that being said, despite the fact that I'm outsourcing the task of artwork to a 2nd party, while I'm working on the 3rd printing I'll be using the opportunity to redo some of the artwork myself. Specifically the characters: Aminosuro, Toji, Tempest, Amuka, and Dira. Time permitting I'd love to re-draw the whole cast so that my eventual artist will have a better reference of how the characters are supposed to look. But I'm extremely limited on time. Anyways I'll keep you guys abreast of what's going on with "Blue Mist". Hope you guys stay tuned!