Saturday, April 6, 2019

Update & The Balance

My, my, my how hard it is to balance a game. I am currently beta testing The 3rd Printing Of "Blue Mist", specifically with Magic players and I'm seeing new problems emerge. As it turns out Aminosuro & Karo Kathijrell might be a little overpowered and while I think that term has been thrown around a lot, I think in this case it might be valid. I say might because I've seen both sides of the issue. Let me explain, Aminosuro & Kathijrell are the only characters who are capable of summoning, this allows the player to take 2 turns. Now I've been offered a host of solutions and I'm also exploring some other options in regards to other parts of the game.

As it stands, Blast attacks are the only attacks that cannot be countered and therefore the operative question would be "Why would you use a Beam then?".  The answer would be you'd use a beam on a character without a deflecting weapon but maybe that's not a solid enough answer. I have quite a bit to think about and consider but one of the solutions I liked was making a standard base of HP for all Summons and that seems like a great idea (because then I don't have to worry about balancing power levels). Likewise making more cards unusable by Summons would be beneficial as well. My final consideration would be should I reduce the Blast damage to an extent that even though it's a guaranteed hit the effort makes it less advantageous or should I add a stipulation to Blasts? I'm strongly considering making Blast damage half that of a Beam. That I think is a solid trade off.